
Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Momentum

I was cleaning out my cabinets the other day, really going through it all carefully! I found a business planner that I had totally forgotten about! This was a really well-organized binder and even though I hadn't used it (yet!) I have used elements of it in my computer files. I want to share some of the organizational tips I use.

  1. I have an Excel file with my customers in it. (It is actually too big for just one file so I broke it into 3. One is for my core customers, club members and those that purchase or attend workshops regularly. Another is for buyers. This file isn't just for 1-time buyers, but for those who are semi-regular purchasers, but not as involved. The last one is for contacts and those who haven't purchased in a long time. The main page of each of these files contains an alphabetical list of the customers involved as well as their home addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. I also had birthdates down, but I never used them.

  2. Each customer name on the list was linked to its own particular sheet. Across the top was the name and data for the customer from the main page. The left column is reserved for email addresses of those who give gifts to my customer. I also have a small section to list gathering/workshop dates that she has attended. I don't really use this information anymore, though. I added a second row at the top where I explain how I know the customer and through whom or what outlet she came to me. (I have a TERRIBLE memory!) In the middle of the page is a wishlist. Sometimes they send me one before Christmas or their birthdays. Oftentimes, my customers keep one active so I can choose for them in case they forget to order. Finally, I list everything my customers purchase on the far right side. I know they keep this data on the website, but I started this before they did and I prefer to have a backup, in case there is a mistake on the website.

  3. My organizer also had several great sections for organizing my business: A double gathering page which included client data, project design (drawing area), and places for follow ups, thank you notes, and purchase delivery. A double open house page where I could analyze my open house themes and dream up the details that would follow the themes. A single swap page where I could list the hostess details for the swap and draw my design the I've planned. A double swap page for swaps that I host allowing me room to list names and details of the participants as well as a check off list of receiving artwork and shipping swaps. A page for customer contacts and another for consultant leads. Finally, a page for those things that I say I'll do, but fail to remember anything about it! I call it "Promises" for lack of a better title.

  4. I keep a business card pouch in my daytimer for collecting business cards. (I make sure I give whenever I get!) Each card gets boxed AFTER I get the info into my contact Excel spreadsheet. Each person also receives an email informing them of my email tree with a sample of the information they will be receiving and an opportunity to say no thank-you! You never know when a random contact will become your next best customer or the next top-selling consultant!

I hope these tips and ideas have offered you some food for thought! Have a terribly profitable week!!!


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